[Tex/LaTex] No numbers when using capt-of’s \captionof for listings


I'm trying to use \captionof{lstlisting}{Pseudo Code} to obtain a listing with its normal caption "Listing 1. Pseudo Code", in an IEEEtran document.

I want caption of instead of the caption= because I want to add comments next to the code, and the caption to span above both code and comments.

Here's a MCVR:



% the 3 caption packages caption.sty, ltcaption.sty, newfloat.sty contain:


    \captionof{lstlisting}{pseudo code with comments}
code here
        Some comments here

Reference Listing~\ref{code} in text.


This gets me nearly what I want, except the number does not appear: I get "Listing. Pseudo Code", however the references work fine.

I get an undefined control sequence from ext@lstlisting which I had to define manually for the file to compile.

The whole ordeal works fine if I load caption instead of capt-of however IEEEtrans guidelines warn:

Axel Sommerfeldt's caption.sty [will] override IEEEtran.cls' handling of captions and this will result in non-IEEE style figure/table captions.

And indeed, using this package changes the Table and Figure captions' style, so I need to not use this package (which makes this question different from this similar one that uses caption).

How can I work around this and get the listing numbers with \captionof{lstlisting}{}?

Best Answer

The command \captionof from capt-of is not as sophisticated as the \captionof command from caption package.

It uses \caption internally, which needs the \@captype to be defined being lstlisting but also \fnum@lstlisting, which is not properly defined then.

A redefinition of \fnum@lstlisting as (say) Listing~\thelstlisting cures the problem.




% the 3 caption packages caption.sty, ltcaption.sty, newfloat.sty contain:

   \captionof{lstlisting}{pseudo code with comments}
code here
  Some comments here

Reference Listing~\ref{code} in text.


enter image description here

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