[Tex/LaTex] No comma between journal name and journal number


De Gruyter requires no comma between journal name and journal number. So rather than

Bird, Steven, and Klein, Ewan 1994 Phonological analysis in typed feature systems. Computational Linguistics, 20 3: 455–491.

they want:

Bird, Steven, and Klein, Ewan 1994 Phonological analysis in typed feature systems. Computational Linguistics 20 3: 455–491.

I looked at the .bst file I have and found that there is an output.nonull that probably is responsible for the comma, but I do not know how to influence it.




  @article{a, author={Max Meier}, title={My first paper}, journal={Journal of Googelology},
    volume=3123, number=1, pages={3--45}, year=2009}




De Gruyter .bst is here: degruyter-hsk.bst

Best Answer

Ok, here's a patch for the above degruyter-hsk.bst. In the FUNCTION {article} you need to add a line with add.blank before format.vol.num.pages:

--- degruyter-hsk.bst.old   2013-07-05 11:04:03.000000000 +0200
+++ degruyter-hsk.bst   2013-08-08 19:52:57.000000000 +0200
@@ -909,6 +909,7 @@
     { journal
       "journal" output.check
+      add.blank
       format.vol.num.pages output
     { format.article.crossref output.nonnull
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