[Tex/LaTex] No “and” between author names in bibliography


I use \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} for a paper and bibtex with entries like the following:

author = {Author1, A. and Author2, B. and Author3, C.}
title = {blabla}

In the references/bibliography this is displayed as A. Author1, B. Author2, **and** C. Author3. I recently saw another paper, in which the and before the last author was omitted. How can I achieve this? Do I have to "hardcode" the string with commas in between?

I would also appreciate smaller spacing, e.g., between abbreviated first names and the last name.

Best Answer

I suggest you proceed as follows:

  • Locate the file IEEEtran.bst in your TeX distribution. Make a copy of this file and call the copy, say, IEEEtran-noand.bst. (You are obviously free to choose another name.) Important: Don't edit an original, un-renamed file from the TeX distribution

  • Open the file IEEEtran-noand.bst in a text editor. The program you use to edit your .tex files will do fine.

  • Inside the file IEEEtran-noand.bst, locate the following line (it should be on line 193):

    FUNCTION {bbl.and}{ "and" }

    Change it to

    FUNCTION {bbl.and}{ "" }
  • Save the file IEEEtran-noand.bst either in the directory where your main tex file is located or in a directory that's searched by BibTeX. If you choose the latter method, be sure to update the filename database of your TeX distribution suitably.

  • In your main tex file, change the instruction \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran-noand} to \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran-noand} and perform a full recompile cycle: LaTeX, BibTeX, and LaTeX twice more.

Happy BibTeXing!

A full MWE:

enter image description here

 author  = "Anne Author and Brenda Buthor and Carlo Cuthor and Doris Duthor",
 title   = "Thoughts",
 year    = 3001,

