[Tex/LaTex] \newline not working with booktabs


A while ago I had a question about having multi-line strings in a table cell (
in-cell newlines (in tabular environments)?).

I remember seeing it working but I've just tried to use it again and … \newline did nothing.

A test LaTeX source is below, which, despite the \newline commands, it did not split the cells on multiple lines:

alt text


    \begin{tabular}{@{}l l l l@{}}
           & \textbf{Foo} & {\textbf{Bar}} & \textbf{Baz} \\
            \textbf{Single line} & foo1 foo2 & bar1 bar2 & baz1 baz2 \\
            \textbf{Multiline} & foo1 \newline foo2 & bar1 \newline bar2 & baz1 \newline baz2 \\
    \caption {\small{bla bla}}\label{my-label}

Best Answer

Use tabular p specifier instead of l.

\begin{tabular}{@{}l p{2cm}p{3cm}p{3cm}@{}}
    & \textbf{Foo} & {\textbf{Bar}} & \textbf{Baz} \\
    \textbf{Single line} & foo1 foo2 & bar1 bar2 & baz1 baz2 \\
    \textbf{Multiline} & foo1 \newline foo2 & bar1 \newline bar2 & baz1 \newline baz2 \\