[Tex/LaTex] New TikZ arrowhead


I'm looking how to use currarrow as a new arrowhead in tikz.

Especially it's of the same size of latex or stealth and way smaller than triangle 45.

Any idea how to make it?

For now I use node[currarrow, sloped, allow upside down, pos=1] {} which is not really convenient…

enter image description here

Best Answer

A quick conceptual definition with hard coded values, you can combine it with Luigi's goodies. It won't work with different line widths etc. since I didn't do any right/left extend calculation.

I took the currarrow definition from circutikz library. It doesn't look too different from the scaled triangle 45. I would recommend using Luigi's definitions and modifiying them if necessary.

            \pgf@my@length = 1cm
            \divide \pgf@my@length by 16
    \draw[mycurrarrow-mycurrarrow,blue] (0,0) -- (2,1);
    \draw[latex-latex,shift={(0mm,3mm)}] (0,0) -- (2,1);
    \draw[triangle 45-triangle 45,shift={(0mm,-3mm)},red] (0,0) -- (2,1);

enter image description here

I don't get why you don't post five lines of code(four being documentclass and begin/end document and circutikz package)for an example instead of describing the arrow with screenshot from the manual.