[Tex/LaTex] New environment for minipage and colorbox


I would like to create a new environment that would automate the following code:


<Some verbatim text here>


I'm pretty new to Latex, so I apologize if this question is not clear or if there is some obvious mistake. I also want to say that this site is fantastic and extremely helpful for new Latex users like myself.

Best Answer

Adapting from code in this answer


\usepackage{lipsum} % just for the example


With { \ strange /##& characters

enter image description here

Here's a version with additional vertical spaces. The interaction with Verbatim makes it somewhat difficult to guess at the right proportions, just experiment.


\usepackage{lipsum} % just for the example

  \vspace{1ex} % additional space above the frame
  \vspace*{4ex} % additional space before the verbatim material
  \vspace{1ex} % additional space after the verbatim material
  \vspace{1ex} % additional space after the frame

With { \ strange /##& characters

enter image description here

For fancier boxes, you can have a look at tcolorbox