TikZ-CD Diagrams – Creating Negated Implication Arrows


I have four properties A, B, C, D and I am trying
to summarize the logical implications between them into a single diagram. So far
I have the following picture but I would like to have some of the implication arrows to be negated (say, the arrows from A to C, A to D, B to A, C to D and B to D).

enter image description here


    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{d} 
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{dr}
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{r}
& B
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{l} 
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{d} 
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{u}
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{r}
& D 
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{l}
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{ul}
    \arrow[Rightarrow, shift left=0.6ex]{u}

This is likely to be strongly related to this question, but I wonder if there is a simple solution, as it is a quite common situation.

Best Answer

Do you want to have something like this? The credits go to percusse in his answer here.

I optimized the usage of styles a bit and enlarged the image for non touching arrows. The diagonal arrows in the middle got shorten a bit, as this will look better here.

% arara: pdflatex

            mark= at position 0.5 with {
                \node[transform shape] (tempnode) {$\backslash$};

\begin{tikzcd}[arrows=Rightarrow, column sep=1.3cm, row sep=1.3cm, every arrow/.append style={shift left=0.8ex}]
    \arrow[negated, shorten <= 6pt,shorten >= 6pt]{dr}
    & B
    & D 
    \arrow[shorten <= 6pt,shorten >= 6pt]{ul}

enter image description here