[Tex/LaTex] Need to plot a lattice and the topological building of a torus!


as told in the title I need to plot a lattice on the plane (not the standard one with basis (1,0), (0,1) ) and I'd like to show up how to build a torus starting from its topological square…
If anyone could help it would be really appreciated!

Best Answer

As a topologist, I can attest to the necessity of drawing tori frequently, and also the steps in their construction. So I think that this will be a useful resource. Having said that, the actual tori in the following are a little "hackish" and have been merely adjusted to look okay rather than being perfect renderings.

lattice and torus

Here's the code. As I commented, the lattice is easy enough. The first stages of the torus are also fairly straightforward. The only tricky bit is getting the partial torus and the torus to look reasonable. They could probably be improved. The code could also be condensed a little by using styles for the arrowed lines.

(I've just spotted that in the second stage, the right-hand edge is drawn the wrong way around so the arrows point in the wrong direction. This is easily corrected.)

\draw[->,ultra thick,shorten >=-8pt] (-3,0) -- (3,0);
\draw[->,ultra thick,shorten >=-8pt] (0,-3) -- (0,3);
\clip (-3,-3) rectangle (3,3);
\draw (-6,-6) grid (6,6);
\draw[ultra thick] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);

    mark=at position .145 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .375 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .395 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .635 with {\arrowreversed{latex}},
    mark=at position .875 with {\arrowreversed{latex}},
    mark=at position .895 with {\arrowreversed{latex}}
    (0,-1) -- +(2,0) -- +(2,2) -- +(0,2) -- cycle;

    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}}
    (0,.25) -- ++(2,0);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}}
    (0,-.25) -- ++(2,0);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .55 with {\arrow{latex}}
  ] (0,-.25) to[out=-120,in=0] (-.35,-.75) to[out=180,in=180] (-.35,.75) to[out=0,in=120] (0,.25);
\draw (2,.25) to[out=120,in=0] (1.65,.75) -- (-.35,.75) (-.35,-.75) --  (1.65,-.75) to[out=0,in=-120] (2,-.25);
\clip (0,.25) rectangle (2,-.25);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .58 with {\arrow{latex}}
  ]  (1.65,.75) to[out=180,in=180] (1.65,-.75);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ]  (0,0) -- (2,0);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .55 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (0,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-360,x radius=.35,y radius=.75];
\draw (2,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-90,x radius=.35,y radius=.75] -- ++(-2,0);
\draw (2,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=90,x radius=.35,y radius=.75] -- ++(-2,0);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ]  (0,0) -- (3,0);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .6 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (0,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-360,x radius=.15,y radius=.35];
\draw (3,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-90,x radius=.15,y radius=.35] -- ++(-3,0);
\draw (3,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=90,x radius=.15,y radius=.35] -- ++(-3,0);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .6 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (1,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-360,x radius=.15,y radius=.35];
\draw (1,0) ++(-.15,-.35) .. controls +(170:1) and +(-90:.5) .. ++(-1.5,1) .. controls +(90:.5) and +(180:1) .. ++(2,1) .. controls +(0:1) and +(90:.5) .. ++(2,-1) .. controls +(-90:.5) and +(10:1) .. ++(-1.5,-1) coordinate (a);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .6 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (a) ++(-.15,.35) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-360,x radius=-.15,y radius=.35];
\draw (1,0) ++(-.15,.35) .. controls +(170:.5) and +(-60:.25) .. ++(-.9,.5) coordinate (b);
\draw (a) ++(0,.7) .. controls +(10:.5) and +(240:.25) .. ++(.9,.5) coordinate (c);
\clip (1,0) ++(-.15,.35) .. controls +(170:.5) and +(-60:.25) .. ++(-.9,.5) -- ++(0,2) -| (c)  .. controls +(240:.25) and +(10:.5) .. ++(-.9,-.5);
\draw (1,0) ++(-.15,-.35) ++(0,-.7) .. controls +(170:1) and +(-90:.5) .. ++(-1.5,.8) .. controls +(90:.5) and +(180:1) .. ++(2,1.2) .. controls +(0:1) and +(90:.5) .. ++(2,-1.2) .. controls +(-90:.5) and +(10:1) .. ++(-1.5,-.8);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (1,0) ++(-.15,-.35) ++(0,-.8) .. controls +(170:1) and +(-90:.5) .. ++(-1.5,.8) .. controls +(90:.5) and +(180:1.2) .. ++(2,1.5) .. controls +(0:1.2) and +(90:.5) .. ++(2,-1.5) .. controls +(-90:.5) and +(10:1) .. ++(-1.5,-.8);
\clip  (a) ++(-.15,.35) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-360,x radius=-.15,y radius=.35];
\draw (a) ++(-.15,.35) .. controls +(10:1) and +(-90:.5) .. ++(1.5,.8);
\clip (1,0) arc[start angle=0,delta angle=-360,x radius=.15,y radius=.35];
\draw (1,0) .. controls +(170:1) and +(-90:.5) .. ++(-1.5,.8);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
    mark=at position .6 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (1.5,.35) arc[start angle=90,end angle=-90,y radius=.35,x radius=.1];
\draw (1.5,-.35) .. controls +(180:1) and +(-90:.65) .. ++(-2,1) .. controls +(90:.65) and +(180:1) .. ++(2,1) .. controls +(0:1) and +(90:.65) .. ++(2,-1) .. controls +(-90:.65) and +(0:1) .. ++(-2,-1); \draw (1.5,.35) .. controls +(180:.5) and +(-50:.25) .. ++(-1.3,.35) coordinate (b);
\draw (1.5,.35) .. controls +(0:.5) and +(230:.25) .. ++(1.3,.35) coordinate (c);
\clip (1.5,.35) .. controls +(180:.5) and +(-50:.25) .. ++(-1.3,.35) -- ++(0,2) -| (c)  .. controls +(230:.25) and +(0:.5) .. ++(-1.3,-.35);
\draw (1.5,-.35) ++(0,-.7) .. controls +(180:1) and +(-90:.65) .. ++(-1.5,1) .. controls +(90:.65) and +(180:1) .. ++(1.5,1) .. controls +(0:1) and +(90:.65) .. ++(1.5,-1) .. controls +(-90:.65) and +(0:1) .. ++(-1.5,-1);
    mark=at position .5 with {\arrow{latex}},
  ] (1.5,-.35) ++(0,-.6) .. controls +(180:1) and +(-90:.65) .. ++(-1.5,1) .. controls +(90:.65) and +(180:1) .. ++(1.5,1) .. controls +(0:1) and +(90:.65) .. ++(1.5,-1) .. controls +(-90:.65) and +(0:1) .. ++(-1.5,-1);