[Tex/LaTex] natbib \citep*{} still only prints first author


I have some issues with citations in my thesis. I use the natbib package and the apalike bibliography style. When I cite articles with 1 or 2 authors, everything works just fine. But when I have 3 authors, things break down. Only the first author is printed followed by et al., also when I change \citep{} to \citep*{}


\title{Brief Article}





my .bib file looks as follows:

doi = {10.1016/j.bdr.2015.04.001},
year = 2015,
month = {sep},
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
volume = {2},
number = {3},
pages = {87--93},
author = {Omar Y. Al-Jarrah and Paul D. Yoo and Sami Muhaidat and George K. 
Karagiannidis and Kamal Taha},
title = {Efficient Machine Learning for Big Data: A Review},
journal = {Big Data Research}

I don't know what I am doing wrong or why this isn't working. Any help is much appreciated!

Best Answer

As @daleif demonstrates in his answer, the apalike bibliography style simply isn't set up properly to let you generate citation callouts that state all authors of entries that feature at least three authors.

Rather than hack the ancient apalike bibliography style -- I believe it's OK to call it ancient, given that it hasn't been changed meaningfully since the mid-1980s -- you may want to consider using the much more up-to-date apacite bibliography style, along with the apacite citation management package; specify the option natbibapa if you want to keep using \citet and \citep.

Your MWE would become:



The first citation call-out generated by \citet{AlJarrah2015} would like this:

Al-Jarrah, Yoo, Muhaidat, Karagiannidis, and Taha (2015)

In keeping with APA citation conventions, second and further citation call-outs to this entry would be formatted as

Al-Jarrah et al. (2015)

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