[Tex/LaTex] Natbib citation error


One of my citations is breaking my document. If I build it with the citation uncalled in the document and a fresh .bbl file, the document builds fine. If I try and call the citation, it breaks the build process and even if I remove the citation, I have to rebuild the .bbl file for a proper build.

Here is the citation, its quite small and simple but something is happening that I can't seem to fix.

author = {Perez, Hernain David},
booktitle = {CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly},
pages = {4},
title = {{Supply Chain Strategies: Which one hits the mark?}},
url = {http://www.supplychainquarterly.com/print/­supply­chain­strategies­which­one­hits­the­mark},
year = {2013}

I should state that I'm importing my .bib file from Mendeley and haven't had a problem with any other citation. I've move the citation to the first entry on the bib file.

I'm calling the citation with \citet{Perez1} and my master document is using \usepackage[round]{natbib}. The error I'm receiving is an Undefined control sequence.\Generic Error, not exactly helpful.


 Test citation \citep{Perez1}.

\@outlinefile=\write3 Package natbib Warning: Citation Perez1' on
page 1 undefined on input line 15.
(C:\Users\reece\Documents\Engineering\Skripsie\Test.bbl [1
{C:/Users/reece/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/pdftex/config/pdftex.map}] !
Undefined control sequence. \GenericError ... 4 \errhelp \@err@ ...
l.12 ...­strategies­which­one­hits­the­mark} . The control sequence at
the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If
you have misspelled it (e.g.,
\hobx'), type I' and the correct
spelling (e.g.,
I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget
about whatever was undefined.

Best Answer

There was a problem with the url field (I suppose direcly copied on the web), which probably had some invisible character in it. I retyped the url, changed the category from @misc to @article since it comes from a journal on line, loaded the url package to break long urls at the end of line.

I also propose to use bblatex with option natbib (it emulates the \citet and citep commands from natbib) and style=authoryear. The advantage, with backend=biber is you can input accented letters directly on the keyboard, since biber understands utf8.

I corrected the url, which wasn't exact, and the author's first name, which precisely has an accented letter.

Code with natbib + bibtex:





.bib file for bibtex

author = {Perez, Hern\'{a}in David},
journal = {CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly},
pages = {4},
title = {{Supply Chain Strategies: Which one hits the mark?}},
url = {{http://www.supplychainquarterly.com/print/20130306-supply-chain-strategies-which-one-hits-the-mark/}},
year = {2013},

enter image description here

Code with biblatex + biber:*


\usepackage[english = british]{csquotes}
\usepackage[natbib, style=authoryear, backend=bibtex]{biblatex}


 A citation: \citet{Perez1}



.bib file for biber;

author = {Perez, Hernán David},
journal = {CSCMP's Supply Chain Quarterly},
pages = {4},
title = {Supply Chain Strategies: Which one hits the mark?},
url = {http://www.supplychainquarterly.com/print/20130306-supply-chain-strategies-which-one-hits-the-mark/},
year = {2013},

enter image description here

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