[Tex/LaTex] n alternative way to double quote in Latex


I am editing my Latex code using MS Word. Before you get any ideas (I know it's weird) please refer How to run Latex from Word?

Having found myself in this unusual predicament, I also have to use double quotes quite often. So what is ’’ becomes ’’ which is correct, but what I really want is ''. To make it clear, I am trying to end the double quotes with the aforementioned two characters, but word modifies the standard apostrophe.

So is there a different way to double quote a "phrase" in Latex? I was looking for something similar to \dbquote{phrase}.

P.S.: Needless to add, the modification that MS Word does on '' results in an incorrect output. For example, "phrase" is rendered with just the initial double quotes like "phrase.

Best Answer

LaTeX provides:

  • \textquotedblleft for ,
  • \textquotedblright for ,
  • \textquoteleft for and
  • \textquoteright for .

You can define your own macro:

\newcommand\dblquote[1]{\textquotedblleft #1\textquotedblright}
\newcommand\sglquote[1]{\textquoteleft #1\textquoteright}

Or you use the csquotes package that provides nested language sensitive quote enclosing:

\enquote{Phrase\enquote{inner quote}}

For single quotes:
