[Tex/LaTex] Myriad Pro Condensed undefined


I'm trying to use the Myriad Pro Condensed font, but for some reason LaTeX cannot find it. I installed the font using the FontPro scripts. I can get light, normal, bold and extra bold variants, but not condensed, even though FontPro clearly installed all condensed variants. When I try to use the condensed font, I get the following message (both with OT1 and T1 encoding, here shown with T1 encoding):

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `T1/MyriadPro-OsF/c/n' undefined (Font) using `T1/MyriadPro-OsF/m/n' instead on input line 11.

Here is my minimal working example:

Hello, World!

Hello, World!

\fontseries{c}\selectfont Hello, World! NOT CONDENSED

\fontseries{b}\selectfont Hello, World!

\fontseries{l}\selectfont Hello, World!

\fontseries{bx}\selectfont Hello, World!

And here is the result I get:

Myriad Pro not condensed

Is there something wrong with my installation of the Myriad Pro font?

Best Answer

How to use the condensed fonts of MyriadPro with pdftex

I had much help by Ulrike Fischer and a useful hint by David Carlisle to find this solution:


\sffamily%to load the fd-file

     {<-> MyriadPro-Cond-tosf-t1--base}{} %

     {<-> MyriadPro-CondIt-tosf-t1--base}{} %

     {<-> MyriadPro-BoldCond-tosf-t1--base}{} %

     {<-> MyriadPro-BoldCondIt-tosf-t1--base}{} %

\usepackage{MinionPro, blindtext, fontaxes}


\section{\rmfamily{} MinionPro}

Some Text with different fonts from MinionPro:

Hello World! -- Regular shape.

\emph{Hello World in itshape} \verb|\emph{...}|

\textsw{Hello World! »Swashed: ABCDEFG«:} \verb|\textsw{...}|

\textssc{Hello World! textssc:} \verb|\textssc{...}|



Now, we change to MyriadPro, using \verb|\sffamily|

\fontseries{ub}\selectfont Hello World ! \% BLACK

\fontseries{eb}\selectfont Hello World ! \% bold, because of option medfamily

\fontseries{b}\selectfont Hello, World! \% semibold (option medfamily)

\fontseries{n}\selectfont Hello, World! \% regular

\fontseries{l}\selectfont Hello, World! \% light

\section{\fontseries{bc}\selectfont MyriadProCond}

We even can use the condensed fonts of MyriadPro:

Hello World! \% Condensed! (World shrinks?)

\emph{We can use italics and write: Hello World!} 

\fontseries{bc}\selectfont Hello World! \% BoldCondensed

\emph{Hello World! BoldCondIT!}


OK, and it looks like this:

Printout of MyriadPro

(Old answer deleted)