[Tex/LaTex] Myheadings, markboth and page number


I assume I'm not understanding something about myheadings and markboth. Here is my MWE (I'm running this on MikTeX 2.9 on a Win10 box):




\markboth{}{Why is this not the right number? \arabic{page}}

First page.


Another page.


And another.


In all of the three pages, \arabic{page} in the header prints 1, instead of the expected 1,2,3.

Best Answer

You're using the wrong tool for setting page numbers. Anyway, using \protect\thepage solves the issue, as it avoids \thepage being expanded at the moment \rightmark is assigned a value and deferring its evaluation to the header's print time.




\markboth{}{Why is this not the right number? \protect\thepage}

First page.


Another page.


And another.


enter image description here

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