[Tex/LaTex] Multiplication to macro argument


Since the baselineskip parameter for fontsize should better be 1.2 times of the font size, I'd like to define a macro which accepts only one argument and deduces the baselineskip from the font size. It should be something like this.


Of course, the code cannot compile because of 1.2*#1. I've searched for hours, but I couldn't find any solution. Since code like 1.2\baselineskip is possible, I expect this to be a simple question.

Addendum: I'm not quite familiar with low level LaTeX commands. Maybe fp and calc will help, but I don't know how.

Update 2013/11/13:



\noindent \chuhao ABCDEFG\\
\xiaochu ABCDEFG\\
\yihao ABCDEFG\\
\xiaoyi ABCDEFG\\
\erhao ABCDEFG\\
\xiaoer ABCDEFG\\
\sanhao ABCDEFG\\
\xiaosan ABCDEFG\\
\sihao ABCDEFG\\
\xiaosi ABCDEFG\\
\wuhao ABCDEFG\\
\xiaowu ABCDEFG\

enter image description here

update 2013/11/13
Change \ to \par
enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to create a length (here, \myfntht), so that the multiply can be easily done.

I EDITED the answer to allow an optional parameter as the multiplier between the two arguments of the \fontsize macro. Note that, while I used multipliers of \baselineskip to set the new font size in my MWE, it is probably best to use another measure, as \baselineskip is itself changed during the making of a new font size, and thus, with its use, some of the spacings could get compounded (as in compounded interest).

\myfontsize{\baselineskip} \lipsum[4]
\myfontsize{2\baselineskip} \lipsum[4]

enter image description here