[Tex/LaTex] Multiple Images in one frame Beamer


I have to do a presentation for an interview and I want to show in a slide in which there is a list of items after an item a sequence of 3 images that appear one over the previous in a specific position of the page. After I finished the 3rd figure I want that all the 3 pictures will disappear.

this is the code I wrote without the inserting of the images:

\section{Academic Background}
\frametitle{Courses of the Master Degree}
\frametitle{Main Courses}
{\textit{Robotics Control}$\rightarrow$ Prof. Bruno Siciliano}
{\textit{Nonlinear Control}$\rightarrow$ Prof. Mario Di Bernardo }
    {\textbf{\textit{Robotics Control}}\\Prof. Bruno Siciliano}
        \tick Industrial Robots
        \tick Direct and Inverse Kinematics
        \tick Direct and Inverse Dynamics
        \tick Planning of the EE Trajectory 
    Different robot control techniques:\\
        \item Centralized and Decentralized Control
        \item Pre-Computed Torque Control       
        \item PD Control with Gravity Compensation 
        \item Force Control

Thanks for your help,

Best Answer

Here's one possibility using \only:


  {\bgroup\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\Checkmark}\begin{itemize}}


    {\textbf{\textit{Robotics Control}}\\Prof. Bruno Siciliano}
        \item Industrial Robots\pause
        \item Direct and Inverse Kinematics\pause
        \item<6-> Direct and Inverse Dynamics
        \item<7-> Planning of the EE Trajectory
    Different robot control techniques:\pause
        \item Centralized and Decentralized Control
        \item Pre-Computed Torque Control       
        \item PD Control with Gravity Compensation 
        \item Force Control


enter image description here

The original definition of \tick:


is not a good one, since \tick is not overlay aware (which is desirable and, in fact, it's needed in the present situation). In my code I defined an overlay-aware citemize environment that changes the item label to \Checkmark and still lets you use the standard \item command.