[Tex/LaTex] Multi-page one-column abstract in a two-column document


I'm making a two-column document, but I need a one-column abstract. The code:


doesn't work, because the abstract is longer enough to use two pages and page don't break. I also tried making a one-column document and used the multicol environment only for the document "text" (not the abstract), but then i had problems with the figure environment.

So, how can I make a one-column abstract?

Best Answer

You can copy the following code as a file long2.sty, place it in your document folder, and then use it as shown below:

%% This is file `long2.sty'.
%% Author: Tomas "tohecz" Hejda <tohecz@gmail.com>
%% Licenced under LaTeX-Project Public License version 1.3 or newer.
\ProvidesPackage{long2}[2012/08/19 v0.1 long2: breakable one-column preamble in a two-column document]


      \setbox0\vsplit\longtwo@box to 1.00\textheight%1
      \setbox2\vbox to \textheight{%
      \vspace{15pt plus 15pt}

      \setbox0\vsplit\longtwo@box to 1.00\textheight%1
      \setbox2\vbox to \textheight{%


%% End of file `long2.sty'.

The document can then look like this (package lipsum and command \lipsum[x-y] are only used to produce some dummy text):


\parskip0pt plus 8pt

\title{My title}
\author{My the first}





PS: I'm considering making it a package (after I add some features), that's why I posted a complete package file ;)

PPS: Brief introduction of the idea: We store the whole one-column part in a box, then we check whether the box is larger than a page. If yes, we \vsplit it, output the first part, and call \longtwo@repeat on the rest, which does the same again.