[Tex/LaTex] Moving todo notes to other side of page


I am using the todo notes package, documentation of which can be found here.

The current document I am working on is in a book style format – in particular, there are wider margins on the left for odd pages, and on the right for even pages.

However, todo notes seems to have decided to alternate which side it will put notes by putting them on which ever side is thinner. This isn't actually an issue on the even pages, but on the odd pages it is cutting off most of the text.

There seems to be no right/left option in the documentation, does anyone know if I can do this manually. Preferably I would put all notes on the right, since this is probably by far the easiest working solution.

Thanks in advance for any help

Best Answer

Try in your preamble


But this only works for all notes. Problem described here.