[Tex/LaTex] moving captions to bottom of figure/table


I have a document where all the descriptions currently appear above the figure/table. That is simply how I wrote everything. However, for publishing purposes the descriptions of figures and tables need to be below the figure/table. Is there a way to automatically get them to appear that way or do I have to do this by hand? Here is a sample of how one of my figures looks:

\protect\caption{Title of Figure\label{fig:F1}}

This is a description of figure 1. It talks about what is in the figure and where the data comes from. It's a really good description.



Best Answer

There really seem to be only two options:

  1. Use the package floatrow as follows:

    \protect\caption[position=bottom]{Title of Figure\label{fig:F1}}
    This is a description of figure 1. It talks about what is in the   
    figure and where the data comes from. It's a really good description.

Which produces

enter image description here

Which means, unfortunately, you'd have to move whatever further image descriptions you have into the caption (in this case, ending up with the line of code

\protect\caption[position=bottom]{Title of Figure\label{fig:F1} 
This is a description of figure 1. It talks about what is in the figure 
and where the data comes from. It's a really good description.}


enter image description here

Which, depending on how many graphics you have that have extra description not in the caption, could be a real pain.

  1. You could bite the bullet and go through all graphics and move the location of the text:

    \protect\caption[position=bottom]{Title of Figure\label{fig:F1}}
    This is a description of figure 1. It talks about what is in the 
    figure and where the data comes from. It's a really good description.

Which gives

enter image description here

This would be even more of a pain than the first option, unfortunately.

So, it seems that you have to bite the bullet one way or the other. However I will keep looking for another solution, though at this point I am semi-doubtful there is one that will help you.

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