[Tex/LaTex] Modify space between paragraphs and nothing else


If you prefer some additional space between paragraphs, you can't simply do


as this will also modify settings for list environments, the table of
contents,… headings.

The parskip package takes care of list environments and the table of
contents but not headings as can be seen in this code


\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
       (current page.south west) grid [xstep=10mm,ystep=4mm] (current page.north east);


enter image description here

enter image description here

How can we change the amount of space between paragraphs without changing any thing else?

Original question
When I modify the usual \parskip it adds space to everything: formulas, titles,.. I want to change spacing only between paragraphs, not any other things. The parskip package does not help.

How can I avoid that?

Best Answer

See the titlesec package documentation:

after-sep is the separation between title and text—vertical with hang, block, and display, and horizontal with runin, drop, wrap and ...margin. By making the value negative, you may define an effective space of less than \parskip


You should be able to get the result you want by using this command to "undo" the additional spacing created after section headings when using \setlength{\parskip}{<length>} to adjust the inter-paragraph spacing.