[Tex/LaTex] Modify flip beamer theme


Recently I came across flip beamer theme.
You can find it here

I didn't like the current frame/total frames page numbering style so I added in the .tex file the following lines


but it didn't work. I thought of trying to see what's going on in the .sty files. In beamerouterthemeFlip.sty I replaced

\node at (\paperwidth-5ex,4ex){\small$^\text{\insertframenumber}/_\text{\inserttotalframenumber}$};


 \node at (\paperwidth-5ex,4ex) {\small $\insertframenumber$};

and it worked.

changing numbering style

Now I want to add smoothbars on top…The ones with circle…Something like that

circles and smooth bars

In .tex file I added


but not only it didn't work, it somehow ruined the beauty of the theme.

the loss of beauty

Is there a way to achieve that? Circles on top without ruinning everything…

I am also trying to add a logo but using


It is not working…

Best Answer

Logo is inserted with \insertlogo macro. For this, you need to uncomment line 171 in beamerouterthemeFlip.sty