[Tex/LaTex] Moderntimeline in Beamer Latex


I've just seen an amazing thing, created by


But this was only for a moderncv document. I am now trying to build up a beamer latex, where I do need a timeline and I'd wish to use this package. My header is as follows:




\begin{document} ... \end{document}

I would be super happy for any help. For an impression of what I am looking for, see

Putting a timeline for dates in moderncv

Thanks! Best, maad

Best Answer

You will need to load the moderntimeline and ifthen packages, to add in the preamble some of the definitions from moderncv and to make some further adjustments; something along the lines illustrated in the following example (allowing the use of \tlcventry, \tllabelcventry, \tldatecventry, and \tldatelabelcventry in beamer):



% change these colors according to your needs

    {\bfseries\raggedright #3}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, \raggedright{\slshape#4}}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{,  \raggedright#5}%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, \raggedright#6}%
      \raggedleft\hintstyle{#2} & {#3}%



\tlcventry{1999}{2002}{WYSIWYG User}{Unnamed Company}
{Somewhere}{}{Tried hard to typeset documents}

\tllabelcventry[magenta,below]{2002}{2003}{Jul.--Nov. 2002}
{Scribus Student}{GNU School}
{The Internet}{}{Tried Scribus for a short while}

\tldatecventry[brown]{2011}{Trusted TeX.SX user}{}{TeX.SX}
{The Internet}{}{Achived 20k reputation on TeX.SX}

\tldatelabelcventry[blue!70!black]{2008}{Christmas 2008}{Happy TeXer}{}{Home}
{Townville}{}{Received Don Knuth's \emph{3:16} as a gift.}


enter image description here

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