[Tex/LaTex] model5-names.bst from elsarticle.cls gives “&” in text citation when \citet{} is used instead of “and”


APA style requires in text citation to replace "&" with "and" when the authors' names are cited outside the parenthesis in the text, for example:


He, Zhang, Zhou and Chen (2009)


He, Zhang, Zhou & Chen (2009)

However, model5-names.bst from elsarticle.cls gives "&" in text citation when \citet{} is used instead of "and".

I need help to modify model5-names.bst to give me the proper in text citation format.

Thank you.

Best Answer

OK, this turns out to be one of the easier questions you've posted so far.

  • In the modified version of model5-names.bst (you've called the modified copy something like mymodel5.bst, right?), locate the function named format.full.names.

  • In this function, locate the string bbl.and. Replace this string with "and". Note the double quotes.

  • Save the file mymodel5.bst.

  • Be sure to load the natbib package with the option longnamesfirst. The solution prposed here will not work unless this option is specified.

  • Rerun LaTeX, BibTeX, and LaTeX twice more to fully propagate all changes.

Remarks: (i) As indicated above, this solution works only if natbib's longnamesfirst option is set. If this isn't to your liking, I'm afraid I have no advice on what else might be done. (ii) The solution proposed here won't be to APA style if you use \citep instead of \citet to cite a given entry for the first time in a document.

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