[Tex/LaTex] Missing style file (previously worked)


Before I start, this is probably closely related to Where do I place my own .sty or .cls files, to make them available to all my .tex files?, but I can't figure it out.

Previously I have had a file compiling and working fine. I am not sure what has changed, but all of a sudden today I have been receiving (Linux Mint 10.10)


(/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/hyperref/pdfmark.def)) (./xy.sty

! I can't find file `xy'.

l.32 \input xy

I have tried to

sudo texhash

I have also tried just putting xy.sty in the directory, which didn't work either.

I tried the following:

kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME


This folder does not exist, but it appears I have a hidden folder, i.e. /home/foo/.texmf-var

I tried to install the xy.sty file in /home/foo/.texmf-var/tex/latex
If I call it xy.sty, it gives the same error message

If it is just called 'xy' I get

 TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [text input levels=15].

Basically – I don't know what I have done, what I can do to fix it, and if I am going to break anything else if I keep fiddling!

Edit: I should also note the following. Line 6 of the tex file is

While the error seems to refer to line 32?

Best Answer

Besides xy.sty, you also need xy.tex. The error message belongs to line 32 of xy.sty, there's the command \input xy. This means xy.sty has been found but not the xy.tex file.

Just install the complete xypic package. On my system, with TeX Live 2011 pretest, the xypic directory contains 63 files.