[Tex/LaTex] minitoc: \parttoc does not work for several chapters

minitocnumberingpartssectioningtable of contents

I have another problem with minitoc package (and command parttoc).

I have 3 parts in the document, asking for a content within each part. LaTex actually places three contents, but they are all the same (for part 1).

I was trying to simulate the example, it does not give me exactly the same thing, but it does not work neither. I have Part* at the begining, and Chapters* within the Parts. As it was advised I have added \addstarredpart{ } but it does not help.

Do you have any suggestions how to fix the above code?





\part*{Part Zero}\addstarredpart{Part Zero}

\part{First Part}

\chapter{Part1 Chapter1}
\section{Part1  Section1}
\subsection{Part1 Subsections3}

\part{Second Part}

\chapter{Part2 Chapter1}
\section{Part2  Section1}
\subsection{Part2 Subsections3}

\part{Third Part}

\chapter{Part3 Chapter1}
\section{Part3  Section1}
\subsection{Part3 Subsections3}


Best Answer

No explanation, but a solution (or at least a workaround): Instead of using \part* plus \addstarredpart, use the tocvsec2 package and its \setcecnumdepth and \resetsecnumdepth macros to create an unnumbered "Part Zero".







\part{Part Zero}


\part{First Part}

\chapter{Part1 Chapter1}
\section{Part1  Section1}
\subsection{Part1 Subsections3}

\part{Second Part}

\chapter{Part2 Chapter1}
\section{Part2  Section1}
\subsection{Part2 Subsections3}

\part{Third Part}

\chapter{Part3 Chapter1}
\section{Part3  Section1}
\subsection{Part3 Subsections3}
