[Tex/LaTex] Minipage inside itemize, bullet point position


Sometimes I wish to include a small diagram next to the text which I could achieve by using two mini-page, one for the text, one for the diagram. However when I use it inside itemize, the bullet point gone to the wrong place (see diagram). How can I make it so that the bullet point is in the right place (ie. next to "An")enter image description here

In response to Ulrike Fischer's answer, for example the code


\item blbl

\item \begin{minipage}{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}

\item \begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}
      \draw [->] (-1,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- (-1,-1);

\item \begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}
      \draw [->] (-1,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- (-1,-1);



enter image description here

so the tikz diagram is not next to the text.

Best Answer

Use the [t] option to align your minipage at the first line:


\item blbl

\item \begin{minipage}{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}

\item \begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}


enter image description here


You can align the following minipage with the tikzpicture e.g. with a \vspace or by using the baseline key of tikzpicture:


\item blbl

\item \begin{minipage}{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}

\item \begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}%
     \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline={(1,1)}] %or some other coordinate
      \draw [->] (-1,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- (-1,-1);

\item \begin{minipage}[t]{4cm} some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\\some text\end{minipage}%
 \vspace{-\ht\strutbox} %or some other value.
      \draw [->] (-1,-1) -- (1,-1) -- (1, 1) -- (-1, 1) -- (-1,-1);


enter image description here