[Tex/LaTex] minipage in tabular gives Underfull or Overfull \hbox


I'm trying to put two tabulars together inside minipages inside a larger table.

For the reader it is convenient to have these two tables next to each other. The problem is that I get

Overfull \hbox (12.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 498--533

My .tex looks like this (as per recommendation of the conference I use \CaptionType which might be a macro that they supply in their .sty file)

        \begin{tabular}{l| r r r r}\hline\hline
      \begin{tabular}{l| r r r r}\hline\hline

I get the same problem when I try to put two \includegraphics next to each other in another table (also using minipage). The document that comes out looks nice to me, but they are strict about warnings at the conference.

This is listed as the reason for the underfull problem:

  \begin{tabular}{ c@{} c@{} }

      \includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{1.eps} %%get Underfull here
      \caption{ ... }
      includegraphics[width=\columnwidth,clip=true,trim=0mm 5cm 0mm 0mm]{2.eps} %%get underfull here


[1] [2] <1.eps>
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 247--251

Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 257--260

Best Answer



  \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}} %                                this line changed!
        \begin{tabular}{l| r r r r}\hline\hline
      \begin{tabular}{l| r r r r}\hline\hline


LaTeX tabulars put small horizontal spaces (\tabcolsep) before/between/after columns. With @{} you can override this space, in this case with nothing (= no space).

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