MinionPro – Math Accents on Swash Capitals


The MinionPro option swash makes \mathcal use Minion swash capitals. The position of math accents on swash capitals could use some adjustment (see below).

For a single accent, applying \skew{6} appears to work well. I suppose I could define a command, say:


Is there a more flexible alternative? One of the MinionPro developers suggested "modifying the kerning files", but I am not sure how to do this.


\hat{K} & \hat{\mathcal{K}} & \skew{6}\hat{\mathcal{K}} \\
\hat{C} & \hat{\mathcal{C}} & \skew{6}\hat{\mathcal{C}}

\widehat{K} & \widehat{\mathcal{K}} & \skew{6}\widehat{\mathcal{K}} \\
\widehat{C} & \widehat{\mathcal{C}} & \skew{6}\widehat{\mathcal{C}}

enter image description here

Best Answer

Please try the fixed scripts here to generate the corrected metrics automatically. My result from your code:

enter image description here

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