[Tex/LaTex] Minion Math with unicode-math


This is a little bit off topic as it is not exactly related to TeX.

I saw recently that Minion Math was updated to 1.020 which comes with math table support.

Does any one had a chance to play with this font and use it with unicode-math, and in particular with the LuaTeX engine?

I am very interested in purchasing a complete set of this nice fonts family. However I am concerned about its usability with the unicode-math package. Unlike Cambria Math or XITS Math, Minion Math does not come with a single font, instead it has 20 (4 weights 5 optical sizes) fonts. So it will be better to know how it works before spending 700 euro.

In particular, say the following minimal document, will it use correct optical size of the fonts for each of the three formulas? I had trouble with using correct optical size of Minion Pro fonts with fontspec. I worked it out with the SizeFeatures and OpticalSize. However, I am not so sure if the same strategy will work for Minion Math with unicode-math. In addition, in Cambria Math, etc., the bold symbols and alphabets are chosen directly from the unicode math enabled fonts. But in Minion Math, from the glyph tables on their websites, there seems no bold alphabets in each font. So will the mathbf in the document below work out of box?

\setmainfont{Minion Pro}
\setmathfont{Minion Math} % or what ever fonts name actually is

\[ \mathbf{E} = mc^2 \]
\[ \mathbf{E} = mc^2 \]
\[ \mathbf{E} = mc^2 \]

Best Answer

the release date for Minion Math 1.020 with MATH table support is October 2011 (as I still need to perform some tests before release).

In my tests so far Minion Math works (with fontspec and unicode-math) with LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX, with slightly better results / less problems in LuaLaTeX. Optical sizes in math do work (with appropriate options for \setmathfont).

Minion Math does fully support 4 different weights. In the current setup, Bold Math (Regular and Italic) is taken from a bolder weight, so your example will need a few extra commands (\setmathrange) and will not work exactly, but almost "out of the box". The \fontsize commands should work (I will check that).