[Tex/LaTex] Mimicking (*office) CV-layout in TeX


To me (who considers himself a TeX-beginner for a long while to come) it seems like quite a mountain to climb, with much guessworking required, to convert this CV template into a (reasonably close, or better) TeX equivalent:

enter image description here

My guess is that http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Boxes might come in handy, and/or knowledge of tables.

Would much appreciate some ideas, maybe it's a piece of cake for the TeX-gurus out there?

Best Answer

I would not consider myself a TeX-guru (TeXpert), but I think I see where this can go.

Mostly, this is an application of mdframed, mildly fancy tabular usage (with some support from multirow and friends thrown in), and a good knowledge of how environments work in LaTeX.




    skipabove=4ex plus .5ex minus .5ex,%
    skipbelow=4ex plus .5ex minus .5ex,%
    frametitle={\sffamily #2},%

  Some Name
\begin{infobox}[green!80!black]{\textcolor{white}{Personal Data}}
    \multirow{7}{*}{\includegraphics[width=3cm]{example-image-a}} & Date of Birth & 22 February 2002 \\
    & a & b \\
    & a & b \\
    &   &   \\
    & a & b \\
    & a & b \\
    & a & b \\

    \item[...] ...

Note: you probably don't want to use the minimal class. I'm just trying to show all of the dependencies of this way. This can also be made much simpler when it comes time to using the environment if and when you settle on a consistent format. (Note that the example you provide is not consistent when it comes to what a description is.)

See what you can do with it.


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