[Tex/LaTex] MiKTeX Options submenu is greyed out in WinEdt 6.0


I have included the package mtpro2 in my latex document using


as recommended here. The main reason is that I need very wide tildes, if that matters.

I am using Winedt 6.0. When I try to follow the instructions at the link and add the texmf folder as a new root by going to

tex -> miktex -> miktex options

I find that all the submenus under the miktex submenu are greyed out (including update).

So firstly I wonder why this is occurring and how to fix it, and secondly if there is another approach I can take. Please keep in mind that I am very new to using this ide and have only used the GUI (so I don't know any command line shortcuts at this point).

Thank you very much!

Best Answer

WinEdt version 9 is the current one. Your should update.

I guess your problem is that you are not the administrator of the computers. So it could be that you are not allowed to change the computer for example with an update for MiKTeX.

Contact your local administrator and tell him which updates you need or ask him (he should knew the installation) how to do it.

Generally can you start MiKTeX updates by clicking on the windows start button, the choose "all Programs" and click on "MiKTeX 2.9". With clicking on "Maintanace" you can start updates and so on (if you are allowed to do it). I use only this way to update my system.