[Tex/LaTex] MikTex Installation Error: File name database capacity exceeded


When trying to do a complete intallation of MikTex 2.8 the setup wizard returns the following error:

The operation could not be completed for the following reason:
File name database capacity exceeded.

I know this error was posted about here:

MikTex 2.9 Installation Error: File name database capacity exceeded.

The suggested solution seems to be to use the most recent version of the setup wizard. I want to install MikTex 2.8 (and not 2.9 because 2.9 does not work correctly on my computer), and I am using setup-2.8.3553.exe. How can I find out if there is a more recent version of the 2.8 setup wizard? There don't seem to be any choices given from the download website, it only provides one setup file to use:


I also know that doing a basic installation instead of a complete installation will work fine, but it would be nice to know if a complete installation is just not possible.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

The bug will not be fixed for 2.8: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3427919&group_id=10783&atid=110783. So you should better try to find out how to install and use 2.9. If it doesn't work due to a bug: Make a bug report so that it can be fixed.