[Tex/LaTex] MikTeX: How to install language using miktex-console


I'm running MiKTeX 2.9.6650 on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine. After successfully setting it up, I wanted to install additional languages.
That option used to be in the Settings, so I assumed to find it in the new miktex-console. As far as I can see, though, there is no such option: »Settings« has two tabs, »General« and »Directories«, but nothing relating to languages at all.

Am I missing something very obvious or has it just not been implemented yet? If the latter, how can I install additional languages without the console?

One year later: It seems, there still is no option to enable a language in my setup (I just tried with a fresh installation); a workaround that had been posted on github (https://github.com/MiKTeX/miktex/issues/136) does not work anymore, either. It seems, MikTeX is not an option under Linux.

Best Answer

The tabs are already there in a current miktex (I checked both in miktex next and a standard miktex)

enter image description here

But there is no "add language button" (at least not in my single user installation, perhaps it is different for a multiuser installation). One only can enable and disable existing languages. So ff you want to add really new languages you will have to change the languages.ini manually.