[Tex/LaTex] MikTeX Error Results from Boondox / Mathalfa LaTeX Font Package


New LaTeX user here. While reading this nice question and its answer, I discovered the "BOONDOX Calligraphic" font and tried to implement it in my document. I've been having some troubles, and after a few hours troubleshooting, I thought I would come here and see if anybody can see what's going wrong.

I have checked out the BOONDOX package documentation, which made me realize I needed the mathalfa package (mathalfa documentation here). I included that package in my document, but the BOONDOX calligraphic fonts don't show up.

Notice in my code, I've included the packages mathalfa as well as told it \usepackage[bb=boondox,bbscaled=.95,cal=boondoxo]{mathalfa}:

\usepackage[left=1 in, right=1 in, top=1 in, bottom=1 in]{geometry}
\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}


% THEOREM Environments

\newcommand{\Mod}[1]{\ (\textup{mod}\ #1)}


\title{Logic and Sets}
\author{My Name Goes Here}

\section{Logic System}
Mathematics is constructed from statements: declarative sentences which are either true or false. For every statement $\mathcal{P}$, there exists a negation of the statement, denoted $\neg \mathcal{P}$, so that $\neg \mathcal{P}$ is true whenever $\mathcal{P}$ is false, and vice versa. From two statements $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{Q}$ we can produce compound statements. The disjunction $\mathcal{P} \vee \mathcal{Q}$ is true when at least one of $\mathcal{P}$ or $\mathcal{Q}$ is true. The conjunction $\mathcal{P} \wedge \mathcal{Q}$ is true whenever all statements $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{Q}$ are true.


I am running TexStudio, and I am getting an error Option clash for package mathalfa. I am also getting a second error Unused global option(s): [letter]. The BOONDOX calligraphic fonts don't appear where I have written \mathcal{P} and \mathcal{Q} to denote mathematical statements. I either only see the regular mathcal fonts or my document fails to compile altogether.

I should mention that later on in my document, when I start a new section on sets, I DO wish to use the regular mathcal font when I write \mathcal{P}(S) to denote the power set of S and when I write \mathcal{R} to denote a relation on a set (different context than here). Hopefully I can use the BOONDOX calligraphic font here for statements P and regular mathcal font later for the powerset P.

Thank you for your help!

Best Answer

Here's a way of accessing the original calligraphic alphabet when necessary. I've also tidied up a few things in your preamble.

\usepackage[left=1 in, right=1 in, top=1 in, bottom=1 in]{geometry}
\usepackage {babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}


% THEOREM Environments

\newcommand{\Mod}[1]{\ (\textup{mod}\ #1)}

\DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathcalorig}   {symbols}


\title{Logic and Sets}
\author{My Name Goes Here}

\section{Logic System}
Mathematics is constructed from statements: declarative sentences which are either true or false. For every statement $\mathcal{P}$, there exists a negation of the statement, denoted $\neg \mathcal{P}$, so that $\neg \mathcal{P}$ is true whenever $\mathcal{P}$ is false, and vice versa. From two statements $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{Q}$ we can produce compound statements. The disjunction $\mathcal{P} \vee \mathcal{Q}$ is true when at least one of $\mathcal{P}$ or $\mathcal{Q}$ is true. The conjunction $\mathcal{P} \wedge \mathcal{Q}$ is true whenever all statements $\mathcal{P}$ and $\mathcal{Q}$ are true.


calligraphic and calligraphic original maths alphabets