[Tex/LaTex] memoir package chapter style definition


I defined a chapter style for memoir as follows:




    \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\normalfont\Huge\bfseries\scshape \color{nicered}}
    \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{\chaptitlefont ##1}

\setlength\afterchapskip {\onelineskip }
\setlength\beforechapskip {\onelineskip }



   \chapter{Chapter 1}


when I run this through latex I get an error message

! Undefined control sequence.
\chapnamefont ... \Large \scshape \raggedleft \so 

l.33 \chapter{Chapter 1}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed.

but thereaftere everything works as intended.
I tried to figure out what's wrong by reading memman.pdf, but it is intimidating.

Best Answer

The macro \so is defined by soul; but there's a better method for obtaining the “letter space” effect, with microtype:


  \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{\chaptitlefont ##1}%







I've fixed some other glitches in the code. The main correction is removing \bfseries. Only a few fonts have boldface small caps, but in any case this would be too much: you already have \Huge and color.

enter image description here

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