[Tex/LaTex] Memoir different footer for Chapter page and the rest


Is there a way to define a different footer for the page that starts a Chapter and the rest of the document in memoir and customise both easily – possibly something like \makechapfoot?

Best Answer

You can easily customize the page styles (header or footer) with a <page style> in memoir using

\makeevenhead{<page style>}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}
\makeoddhead {<page style>}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}
\makeevenfoot{<page style>}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}
\makeoddfoot {<page style>}{<left>}{<centre>}{<right>}

Note that the above requires <page style> to exist. The following exists by default (see section 7.2 Page styles in the memoir basic user manual):

enter image description here

Your specific interest lies with the chapter page style - associated with \chapters - and the headings page style - the remainder of the document.

Therefore, to change the footer of the chapter page style is easy:


Copying the page style is only needed because chapter is actually an "alias" of the plain page style. Alternatively, you can modify the plain page style directly: \makeoddfoot{plain}{Left}{Centre}{Right}

For the remainder of the document body, you can modify the headings page style
