[Tex/LaTex] memoir class and \titleGM title page style with custom dimensions


I'm attempting to format a textbook that I'm writing using the memoir document class and am running into some problems with the memoir class and the \titleGM custom title page style.

Here is my preamble:






% Font and Typography Settings


And here is the definition of the \titleGM command that I'm attempting to use:

\begingroup% Gentle Madness
\drop = 0.1\textheight
}% end of vbox
}% end of parbox
}% end of hbox

The problem that I seem to be having is that the title page drops off the bottom (the vertical line goes down into the margin, and the title page doesn't seem to fit the text dimensions very well. Does anyone know how to modify this titlepage style?

Best Answer

The problem is that with your current settings, a portion of the text area lies outside the physical page; this can be seen with the help of the showframe package (it draws some visual guides); loading this package with your settings, one gets

enter image description here

and you can see that the text area is wrong. You need to adjust your settings; one possibility is to use the predefined stock and page sizes offered by the class (pages); for example, with mediumvopaper and \pagemediumvo






% Font and Typography Settings


\begingroup% Gentle Madness
\drop = 0.1\textheight
}% end of vbox
}% end of parbox
}% end of hbox

\title{The Title}
\author{The Author}




enter image description here

The mediumvo options will give you 9in x 5.75in; if you want to have 9in x 6in, you could use the following settings:

