[Tex/LaTex] Measure restriction sign


I need to use a notation for the restriction of a measure to a set. It is similar to \mu \llcorner A, but I want the symbol defined by \llcorner to be bigger. I can't seem to find the right command for this.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

The result I want is something like the symbol in the pictures. The second picture is from Evans and Gariepy. The third one is from Federer's Geometric Measure Theory, so I don't think they are just isolated notations.

Best Answer

This shape is simple enough to build with rules:

Sample output


\newcommand{\mres}{\mathbin{\vrule height 1.6ex depth 0pt width
0.13ex\vrule height 0.13ex depth 0pt width 1.3ex}}


\( \mu \mres B(A) \)


There is also \niv in the nath fonts.