[Tex/LaTex] mdwlist enumerate changes from Roman to Arabic after suspend


In LaTeX, I am using the enumerate and mdwlist packages to create an enumerated list with a pause in the middle, using the suspend/resume commands. I want Roman numerals counting the list items, which I specify by supplying the option [(i)] to the enumerate environment.

The problem is that after the suspend/resume, the list resumes with Arabic numerals counting the list items, instead of Roman.

If I supply the option [(i)] to the resume command, it gives a compile error.

References to the list items also come out as mixed Roman/decimal.

Does anyone know how to fix this, and keep Roman everywhere?

Here is a minimal example:


  \begin{enumerate}[(i)] % option [(i)] indicates Roman
    \item\label{itemi} First item % Roman
  Text between suspend and resume commands
    \item\label{itemii} Second item % decimal
  Ref to first item: ``\ref{itemi}''. Ref to second item: ``\ref{itemii}''.

Best Answer

Use enumitem instead. It allows you to resume* which resumes a list based on the previous settings:

enter image description here

\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem
\begin{enumerate}[label=(\roman*)]% roman enumeration
  \item\label{itemi} First item
Text between suspend and resume commands
  \item\label{itemii} Second item
Ref to first item: ``\ref{itemi}''. Ref to second item: ``\ref{itemii}''.

resume* effectively does resume,label=(\roman*) for the options. However, you can use the latter if you wish to update the formatting/options upon a resume.

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