[Tex/LaTex] Matrix in an align environment

math-modepunctuationvertical alignment

I'm currently writing on my masters thesis and I have a question about matrices at the end of a sentence.

I write my matrix as a pmatrix in an align environment. Actually the matrix is at the end of a sentence and I want to end this sentence with a "." being directly next to my matrix, not in the next line. But as the matrix is written in align environment, the point is being set in the middle of the matrix.

What can I do to set the point in heights of the last line of the matrix?

Best Answer

There doesn't seem to be any good way of automatically fitting sentence punctuation to a displayed equation, all ways seem to require manual adjustment. Often it's worth re-phrasing the sentence so it doesn't end at the display. AMS matrices are always vertically centred, but you might get away with something like

.....   & 1.0\rlap{\hspace{5em}.}\end{pmatrix}

ie just attaching the fullstop to the entry in the last cell (so it doesn't mess up the spacing) but move it some arbitrary amount to the right so that it visually moves past the closing bracket of the matrix.