[Tex/LaTex] Matrix derivation


I would like to display a matrix with a dot (derivative) on top of it. The entry of this matrix shall consist of arbitrary symbols.

When I write

   \dot{\begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \end{pmatrix}}

everything works fine. However,

   \dot{\begin{pmatrix} \hat{x} \\ \hat{y} \end{pmatrix}}

results in a weird series of errors (Illegal units of measure etc.).

How can I display a matrix derivation with hats (or other ornaments) on my x and y variables? Neither changing from pmatrix to array nor setting brackets did bring any improvements.

A complete example of the problem reads:

     \dot{\begin{pmatrix} \hat{x} \\ \hat{y} \end{pmatrix}} % Problem!

Best Answer

amsmath has some fancy code for double accents and having \hat inside \dot triggers bits of that in unintended ways. Easiest is to pre-set the inner expression in a box.

enter image description here


 \sbox0{$\begin{pmatrix}\hat{x} \\ \hat{y} \end{pmatrix}$}\dot{\usebox{0}}
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