[Tex/LaTex] Matrices with same height


I want to write a matrix equation and my current code is following:


      1         & 0         & 0         & \cdots    & \cdots    & 0 \\
      \mu       & \lambda   & \nu       & \ddots    &           & \vdots \\
      0         & \mu       & \lambda   & \nu       & \ddots    & \vdots \\
      \vdots    & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    & 0      \\
      \vdots    &           & 0         & \mu       & \lambda   & \nu    \\
      0         & \cdots    & \cdots    & 0         & -1/h      & 1/h    \\
      T^{(j+1)}(0) \\
      T^{(j+1)}(h) \\
      \vdots     \\
      \vdots     \\
      \vdots     \\
      T^{(j+1)}(N\cdot h)
      T(0) \\
      f(h) \\
      f(2h)  \\
      \vdots     \\
      f((N-1)\cdot h)    \\


however, the resulting matrices have slightly different heights. How do I set them to be the same? Result is in the attached picture:enter image description here

Best Answer

I think the easiest solution, i.e., the one that requires the least amount of additional typing, involves increasing the value of \arraystretch. Its default value is 1.0; increasing it to about 1.8 at the start of the equation environment should do the job.

enter image description here

\renewcommand\arraystretch{1.8}  % default value: 1.0
      1         & 0         & 0         & \cdots    & \cdots    & 0 \\
      \mu       & \lambda   & \nu       & \ddots    &           & \vdots \\
      0         & \mu       & \lambda   & \nu       & \ddots    & \vdots \\
      \vdots    & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    & \ddots    & 0      \\
      \vdots    &           & 0         & \mu       & \lambda   & \nu    \\
      0         & \cdots    & \cdots    & 0         & -1/h      & 1/h    \\
      T^{(j+1)}(0) \\
      T^{(j+1)}(h) \\
      \vdots     \\
      \vdots     \\
      \vdots     \\
      T^{(j+1)}(N h)
      T(0) \\
      f(h) \\
      f(2h)  \\
      \vdots     \\
      f((N-1) h)    \\