[Tex/LaTex] marking statistically significant results in bar graph using pgfplots


I'm making a bar chart with pgfplots and would like to put an asterisk above some bars to show statistical significance (p < 0.05). Any ideas?

Here's an example graph:

    symbolic x coords={(a),(b),(c),(d),(e)},
    \addplot[ybar] coordinates {
        ((a),51365) % I'd like to put an asterisk above some of these

Best Answer

I would use the nodes near coords functionality together with point meta=explicit symbolic for this:



    symbolic x coords={(a),(b),(c),(d),(e)},
    point meta=explicit symbolic,
    nodes near coords    
    \addplot[ybar] table [meta index=2, header=false] {
       (a) 51365 *
       (b) 74531 \\
       (c) 52862 *
       (d) 78999 \\
       (e) 71825 \\
