[Tex/LaTex] Mark (highlight) a paragraph (\item{…}) with a squiggly line for later attention


I'd like to mark one or more of my \item{...}'s in an enumeration with a squiggly line at the right so that I can easily see which parts I have to re-phrase/re-write later on. All I have found is how to make a paragraph a different color, but my printer really does not like this/prints it badly.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Sorry I wasn't clear, I was thinking of something like this (except it can be smaller and less obstrusive, just enough of a squiggly line as not to oversee it later while reviewing):

This is what I am thinking of

Best Answer

Here's one possible solution that will draw the squiggly line and admits page breaks (well, one at most) in the affected paragraph(s); all you have to do is to enclose the desired paragraph(s) inside \Startsquiggly, \Endsquiggly:


  \tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}

  \ifnum\getpagerefnumber{a\thetmp}=\getpagerefnumber{b\thetmp} \else
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (a.north), \p2 = (b), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y1) + (.55\textwidth,0) $ ) --  ( $ (\x3,\y3) + (0.55\textwidth,-0.5\textheight) $ );

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (a.north), \p2 = (b), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y1) + (.55\textwidth,0) $ ) --  ( $ (\x3,\y2) + (.55\textwidth,0) $ );
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (a.north), \p2 = (b), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y3) + (.55\textwidth,.5\textheight) $ ) -- ( $ (\x3,\y2) + (.55\textwidth,0) $ );


\item \lipsum*[1]
\item \Startsquiggly\lipsum*[1]\Endsquiggly
\item \lipsum*[1]
\item \Startsquiggly\lipsum*[1]\Endsquiggly


enter image description here

The code might need two or three runs for the lines to stabilize.

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