[Tex/LaTex] Margin references in tufte-handout with pandoc


I'm trying to convert a Markdown file to PDF using pandoc and a tufte-handout template. I would like to have references in the margin, instead of in the end of the document, is this even possible in a direct MD->PDF conversion?

Best Answer

Yes, the easies way is to use rmarkdown, but the effect is the same in pure pandoc. Just need to adapt the template as previous comment suggested. With rmarkdown, this is how it goes down:

In latest rmarkdown you only need to use a csl that changes references into footnotes and add both tufte-handout and disablebibliography in your yaml header:

bibliography: library.bib
csl: chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl
suppress-bibliography: yes
        toc: yes
        highlight: tango
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