[Tex/LaTex] Many body perturbation diagrams (closed Feynman diagrams) in latex with labelling


I would like to draw many body Feynman diagrams using latex. These are closed and often used in condensed matter and nuclear physics in contrast to the open scattering diagrams in particle physics. For instance I am attaching two examples : (i) A particular Feynman diagram with labelling and (ii) Equations using Feynman diagrams.

enter image description here

enter image description here

I hope these are possible using Tikz or PSTricks.

PS. A working example for the first figure is wanted.
The second figure could be tedious, so for that a hint may suffice.

Best Answer

Here is a straight-forward tikz decorations solution:


enter image description here



% particle decorations borrowed from: Kjell Magne Fauske
% http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/feynman-diagram/
    every node/.append style={font=\small},
    every edge/.append style={thick},
    arrow/.style={thick, shorten >=5pt,shorten <=5pt,->},
    photon/.style={decorate, decoration={snake}},
        decoration={markings,mark=at position .55 with {\arrow[]{>}}}},

      % coordinates
      \coordinate (in) at (-.5,0);
      \coordinate (out) at (1.5,0);
      \fill (0,0) circle (1pt) coordinate (lb);
      \fill (0,1) circle (1pt) coordinate (lt);
      \fill (1,0) circle (1pt) coordinate (rb);
      \fill (1,1) circle (1pt) coordinate (rt);

      % edges
      \draw (lb) edge[electron] node[below] {$i\omega_n+i\nu_m$} (rb);
      \draw (lt) edge[electron,out=45,in=135] node[above] {$i\omega_p+i\nu_m$} (rt);
      \draw (rt) edge[electron,out=-135,in=-45] node[below] {$i\omega_n$} (lt);
      \draw (lb) edge[photon] node[left] {$i\nu_m$} (lt);
      \draw (rt) edge[photon] node[right] {$i\nu_m$} (rb);

      % arrows
      \draw[arrow] (in) -- (lb);
      \draw[arrow] (rb) -- (out);


Another example, using tikz-cd:


enter image description here



    every node/.append style={font=\small},
    every edge/.append style={thick},
    b/.style={bend right=45},
    photon/.style={decorate, decoration={snake,segment length=8pt,amplitude=2pt}},
        decoration={markings,mark=at position .55 with {\arrow[]{>}}}},

\tikzcdset{diagrams={nodes={inner sep=0pt}},every arrow/.append style={dash},
    cells={nodes={circle,radius=1pt,very thin,draw,fill,align=center,inner sep=0pt}}}

    \arrow[rr,photon] & & \ar[d,electron,b] \\
    & \arrow[r,photon] \ar[d,electron,b] & \ar[u,electron,b] \\
    \arrow[r,photon] \ar[uu,electron] & \ar[u,electron,b] &



You can also nest several diagrams within a tikzpicture and draw additional nodes and lines around them:

enter image description here

The diagrams are positioned using the tikz chains library:



  every node/.append style={font=\small},
  every edge/.append style={thick},
  b/.style={bend right=45},
  photon/.style={decorate, decoration={snake,segment length=8pt,amplitude=2pt}},
    decoration={markings,mark=at position .55 with {\arrow[]{>}}}},

\tikzcdset{diagrams={nodes={inner sep=0pt}},every arrow/.append style={dash},
  cells={nodes={circle,radius=1pt,very thin,draw,fill,align=center,inner sep=0pt}}}

  start chain,
  node distance=1mm, 
  diag/.style={on chain},
  % joined diagrams
  \node [diag] {
       \ar[r,photon] & \ar[d,electron,b] \\
       \ar[r,photon] \ar[u,electron] & \ar[u,electron,b]
  \node [+] {$+$};
  \node [diag] {
        \ar[rr,photon] & & \ar[d,electron,b] \\
        & \ar[r,photon] \ar[d,electron,b] & \ar[u,electron,b] \\
        \ar[r,photon] \ar[uu,electron] & \ar[u,electron,b] &
  \node [+] {$+$};
  \node [diag] {
       \ar[rrr,photon] & & & \ar[d,electron,b] \\
       & & \ar[r,photon] \ar[d,electron,b] & \ar[u,electron,b] \\
       & \ar[r,photon] \ar[d,electron,b] & \ar[u,electron,b] & \\
       \ar[r,photon] \ar[uuu,electron] & \ar[u,electron,b] & &
  \node [+] {$+\cdots$};
  % labels
  \node [red,yshift=1.5cm] (rpa) at (chain-3.north) {RPA};
  \draw (rpa) edge[out=180,in=90,con] (chain-1);
  \draw (rpa) edge[con] (chain-3);
  \draw (rpa) edge[out=0,in=90,con] (chain-5);
