[Tex/LaTex] Managing a project: separate .tex-files, externalized TikZ, folders


I am currently cleaning up my project to manage it better as it expands in the future. I am wondering if there is a way to manage the following in a smarter and more efficient way.

Currently, this is my LaTeX structure:


Into main.tex I include chapters like \include{chapter_1.tex}. Inside each chapter, there might be figures generated from TikZ, which I include like \input{fig_1.tikz}.

Now, since I would like to keep my project's directory clean, I wanted to have a folder structure, where I have a folder for images, within which images are separated according to the chapters they belong to, like the following:

  |-- main.tex
  |-- chapter_1.tex
  |-- chapter_2.tex
  |-- chapter_3.tex
  |-- figures/
    |-- chapter_1/
      |-- generated_fig_0.pdf
      |-- generated_fig_1.pdf
      |-- tikz/
        |-- fig_1.tikz
        |-- fig_2.tikz

and so on. Each tikz would then be input like \input{figures/chapter_1/tikz/fig_1.tikz

Now, the problem arises, when I externalize my figure generation from TikZ to speed up my document compilation.

In my document header I have \tikzexternalize[prefix=figures/] to sort all TikZ images into the figures/ folder. In each included chapter, at the start of the file there is { \tikzset{external/figure name/.add={chapter_1/}{}} with a closing brace } after the chapter's body to add a prefix for putting all generated content into figures/chapter_#/ and keep that limited to the scope of the chapter's body.

However, if I want each generated image to have a meaningful name, I need to add \tikzsetnextfilename{image_name} before each inputted TikZ, such that I would always have blocks like this:


Is there maybe a straightforward way that if I have a chapter foo.tex, into which I want to input bar.tikz, that some \input{bar.tikz} will automatically look for bar.tikz in figures/foo/tikz/ and create the resulting externalized PDF as figures/foo/bar.pdf?

Would the use of LatexMk do anything to this (I want to use it, but I am not sure what role it could play in the above)?

EDIT: It turns out, that \tikzsetnextfilename actually overwrites all naming definitions except for the initial prefix set with \tikzexternalprefix. Hence, I can't give my figures filenames directly.

Therefore another question:
Is there a way to a) save the generated images into a subfolder figures/chapter_name/, and b) give the images invidual names?

Best Answer

You can try something along this:

In main.tex:

\def\useexternalfile#1{\tikzsetnextfilename{#1-output}\input{\csname tikzexternal@filenameprefix\endcsname#1.tikz}}




EDIT: A cleaner, more LaTeX-y definition of \useexternalfile would be


For the record, \tikzexternal@filenameprefix is the internal macro where \tikzsetexternalprefix saves the "current prefix". Also, you can substitute #1-output for your favourite expression (maybe generated-figure-#1?)


In chapter1.tex:


In chapter1/tikz/myfigure.tikz:

\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);

(I tested this in my OSX system and it works; I use something slightly simpler). This differs from your question in that myfigure-output.pdf lives in folder chapter1/tikz/ and not in chapter1/ as you seem to want. Perhaps you (or others) can tweak it a bit more.

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