TikZ-PGF – Man Running Icon Creation


I am a beginner in this. I am trying to prepare some exercises to my students in Latex. My main problem is the use of Tikz. In this case, I am trying to draw the icon of a man/woman running. I attach the picture of one quite simple.

Can you help me? Is there any way of converting a picture in other format to Tikz code?

enter image description here

Best Answer

An attempt with tikz rectangles.

enter image description here

    \tikzstyle{body}= [fill=black,rounded corners=14pt]
    \draw[body,rotate around={35:(1.2,0)}] (1.2,0) rectangle ++(3.5,1) ;
    \draw[body,rotate around={75:(3.8,2)}] (3.8,2) rectangle ++(3,1) ;
    \draw[body,rotate around={-90:(6.25,6)},rounded corners=10pt] (6.25,6) rectangle ++(2,0.7) ;
    \draw[body,rotate around={-30:(6.2,4.2)},rounded corners=10pt] (6.2,4.2) rectangle ++(2.5,0.7) ;
    \draw[body,rotate around={7:(2.2,1.7)},draw=white,line width=4pt] (2.2,1.7) rectangle ++(3.7,1);
    \draw[body,rotate around={-52:(3.1,4.7)},draw=white,line width=2pt] (3.1,4.7) rectangle ++(3.5,1);
    \draw[body,rotate around={7:(2.2,1.7)}] (2.2,1.7) rectangle ++(3.7,1);
    \draw[body,rotate around={25:(3.7,3.7)},rounded corners=24pt] (3.7,3.7) rectangle ++(3.9,1.7);
    \draw[body,rotate around={145:(6.7,5.8)},rounded corners=10pt,draw=white,line width=2pt] (6.7,5.8) rectangle ++(2.3,0.7) ;
    \draw[body,rotate around={190:(5,7.1)},rounded corners=10pt] (5,7.1) rectangle ++(2.5,0.7);
    \draw[body] (8.2,6) circle (1cm);

    \draw[line width=2pt] (4.8,1) -- ++(2,0);
    \draw[line width=2pt] (6,1.3) -- ++(1.6,0);
    \draw[line width=2pt] (5.6,0.7) -- ++(1.6,0);

    \draw[line width=2pt] (0.5,5) -- ++(2,0);
    \draw[line width=2pt] (1.2,5.3) -- ++(1.6,0);
    \draw[line width=2pt] (1.1,4.7) -- ++(1.6,0);


In order to properly scale this picture, use [transform canvas={scale=0.2}] with tikzpicture or scope. Read this answer also:Correctly scaling a tikzpicture.

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