[Tex/LaTex] Making \paragraph{} spacing the same as other paragraphs


I am using the ACM proceedings template. I use the \paragraph{} command to highlight a few words at the beginning of the paragraph. However, the paragraph spacing is significantly more when I use the \paragraph command:

A typical paragraph....

Another typical paragraph...  

\paragraph{The paragraph with title} The paragraph with title...

enter image description here

How can I make the paragraph spacings equal disregarding whether or not the \paragraph is used?

I cannot change the .cls file of the template (because we're not allowed to upload it alongside the document), but need to neutralize the template's spacings within the latex code of the my own article.

Best Answer

\paragraph is (despite the poor name) not related to paragraphs but rather is a section heading, following subsection and subsubsection in the hierarchy. It shares all the heading code for automatic numbering and adding entries to the table of contents, although numbering is by default not used at this heading level in the standard classes.

So if this paragraph is not in a new sub-section and you just want a font change then simply

\textit{The paragraph with the title.} Zzzzz     

Is perhaps the most natural markup.

While it would be possible to redefine \paragraph it is usually strongly advised not to redefine or change a journal class layout code as it can complicate (or prevent) inclusion of your document in the journal or proceedings if your definitions conflict with the overall processing of the combined work.