[Tex/LaTex] Making (Author, Year) citation using Lyx


I am doing citations for my master thesis which I just started writing in LyX. How do I cite my references like this: (author, year)? I have googled for like two hours now and nothing seems to work.

I tried to add \setcitestyle{aysep={<separator>}} in the preamble
or round to documentclass and changing bibliography to natbib with option authoryear.

I have also tried adding natbib in the preamble, still no dice.

Any ideas are much appreciated. I am very new to LyX so I might need a little elaboration.

Best Answer

You should

  • use a bibliography style that can generate authoryear-style citation call-outs,

  • load the natbib package with the option authoryear, and

  • use the instruction \citep to generate "parenthetic" citation call-outs, e.g., (Author, Year), and use \citet to generate "textual" citation call-outs, e.g., Author (Year).

Note that some bibliography styles cannot generate authoryear-style citation call-outs. E.g., plain, abbrv and unsrt can generate only numeric-style citation call-outs. (Use plainnat, abbrvnat, and unsrtnat instead...)

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