[Tex/LaTex] Making aliases for variables


I'm trying to figure out how best to define an alias. I have some moderately complicated variable names, such as $p^{i,j}_{t}$, and having to type them over and over again is a pain. More importantly, if I decide later to change my naming convention, I'd have to go back and search replace in my whole document, which seems ridiculous. I've tried to use this method:


but this method is not powerful enough. First of all, I cannot use it in Math mode, and would have to define another command


which seems redundant.

Second of all, latex doesn't know that it's supposed to insert a whitespace after I use the command in a text environment. If I force a whitespace in the command, I cannot use the command just before punctuation like full stop, or comma.

Any suggestions? Thank you!

Best Answer

You can use \ensuremath Running for cover, egreg will come soon.


\varn  \qquad    $\varn$

Here is how \varn{} is used in text again \varn.


Fir the second part, you may insert an empty atom {} after \varn like \varn{} when you need a space. This is the usual behaviour. Thre is also xspace package, but it may fail some times.

\varn  \qquad $\varn$

Here is how \varn is used in text again \varn.


enter image description here

As noted by egreg, it won't take much work to write $\varn$ over \varn. It is also more symatec for you identify math code. So better define \newcommand*{\varn}{p^{i,j}_{t}} and use $\varn$.

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